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Chia Inflation & Supply Analysis

One of my interests is analyzing the Chia blockchain economics. The chart below shows the inflation rate and total circulating supply of Chia (XCH) over the first 100 years, including the initial 21 million XCH prefarm.

Block Reward Schedule

Years Block Reward XCH / 10 mins Inflation Range (%)
1-3 2.0 XCH 64 100 - 50
4-6 1.0 XCH 32 16.67 - 12.5
7-9 0.5 XCH 16 5.56 - 5.0
10-12 0.25 XCH 8 2.38 - 2.27
13+ 0.125 XCH 4 1.11 → ~0


About Me

Welcome to, my personal website where I share projects, analyses, and insights on topics I'm passionate about. While I have a particular interest in the Chia blockchain ecosystem, you'll find various content here that reflects my diverse interests and explorations.

Feel free to explore the different sections of this site to learn more about my work, projects, and the things that fascinate me.